



Battling cancer and emotional turmoil

India, April 9 -- The grandparents were in possession of a ten-year visa for their annual trips to Europe and they were undergoing a medical check-up to be insured. An inconsolable mother rang up her ... Read More

Happiness is to live in the now

India, March 30 -- The country was Japan. It was the Meiji era. A professor was keen to learn the teachings of Zen philosophy. He approached an estimable master. The master offered him a cup of tea an... Read More

Feasting and fasting: The right balance

India, March 18 -- It always depresses me when people moan about how commercial Christmas is. I love everything about it. The tradition of having this big feast, slap bang in the middle of winter, is ... Read More

The silent epidemic among students

India, March 16 -- Rachel felt irritable on denouement day. She felt nauseous, her palms were sweaty, her facial muscles twitching and she was on tenterhooks on her way to appear for the 12th standard... Read More

The Path to Sattva in a Turbulent World

India, March 11 -- Mahanama despaired at his spiritual anguish and the distraught state of his mind. Buddha analyzed the pangs of his cousin and devotee's problem and attributed it to the latter's unf... Read More